Every Monday
Pebbles Rhyme Time 10:30 and 11:30 Pebble the penguin rhymetime sessions are aimed at babies and toddlers, aged under five, along with their mums, dads and carers. The events are based entirely on sharing nursery rhymes, action songs and percussion music. It is fun, interactive and noisy! Nursery rhymes are great for language development, they have a lot of rhythm which catch baby's attention, and repetition, which is good for speech development. It is also a nice way of introducing babies and toddlers to their local library! Rhymetimes are free and are a great opportunity for dads, mums, carers and children to make new friends in a relaxed setting. No booking necessary. Tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
Every Wednesday
Pebbles Story Time 10:30-11:00 Library storytimes are generally aimed at two to five year olds and provide a fun and enjoyable introduction to books and libraries for young children. Sharing books and stories with young children can help to build good language and listening skills and give them a head start when they begin school. Library storytimes can foster a life long love of reading and show children that it is a fun place to be. No booking necessary. Tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
Crafting Circle Club 10:00-12:00 Please bring your own materials. Suitable for ages 16+. Free to join and for all abilities.
Digital Support Volunteer
For help using your computer or laptop you can book a session with our digital buddy.**
- Every Monday from 2pm to 4pm.
- Every Tuesday from 2-4pm.
- Every Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm.
- Every Thursday from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
Sessions must be booked in advance by emailing [email protected] or in person at the library.
If you would like to speak to someone at a library about Digital Buddies please telephone 03456 009 009 and press option 6 and ask to be put through to the library. Our lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
Our Digital Buddies can:
- Support learners to use computers/laptops independently in the library for the first time: this will cover logging on to the library Wi-Fi, booking a library computer, logging on/off.
- Promote the use of library virtual services, including the library Solus app and membership.
- Introduce our online reference pages including daily newspapers, family history websites and Which? Magazine.
- Download eBooks and audiobooks.
- Support learners to practice IT skills by introducing them to suitable learning websites.
- Support learners to undertake basic computing tasks including: File management; opening, closing, editing, saving and printing files; Navigating and searching the internet; Using email and attachments; Basic use of MS Word; Storing and organising photographs; Using Skype and social media; Online shopping
- Assist with iPads, smart phones and tablets.

Find us
Guildford Library and room hire, North Street, Guildford