Experience Guildford receives national accreditation for Business Improvement Districts

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Frankie Gale

Posted by

Frankie Gale

Experience Guildford has been recognised for its high standards and received a national accreditation for Business Improvement Districts.

The BID Foundation’s Industry Standards was awarded to Experience Guildford in recognition of its standards of transparency and responsible governance, following an independent review process. The BID Foundation, a group of over 70 Business Improvement Districts, has developed the Industry Standards for all BIDs with input from UK government and other national bodies. The Standards highlight information and documentation that should be made publicly accessible and easily identifiable by every BID, and are independently accredited by the Institute of Place Management.

Experience Guildford has passed the Industry Standards accreditation by demonstrating the high standards of aspects including its business plan, governance mechanisms and reporting, Directors and personal interests, and detail on ballot results.

Amanda Masters, Chief Executive of Experience Guildford says: "We are very pleased to have achieved this accreditation. We always want to be transparent in our governance and reporting and so to have this mark proves we are demonstrating the industry standards as part of our every day practice."

Introducing industry standards for BIDs was a recommendation of research into the BID sector and its development in the UK, published in 2020 by the Institute of Place Management. Matthew Davis, Director at the Institute of Place Management and The BID Foundation, said: “This is a crucial piece of work to support BIDs. The Industry Standards further demonstrate the professionalism of BIDs that adopt them, and of the wider sector, which has stepped forward through the pandemic and now during recovery to provide support to thousands of local businesses.”

The Industry Standards are awarded following a review process conducted by The BID Foundation, which is delivered with the support of the Institute of Place Management, the professional body for place managers and leaders, based at Manchester Metropolitan University.

The BID Foundation members have begun adoption of the standards, which award a kite mark to display to levy payers and other stakeholders.